Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Over the Hill!

Ride 40!


AmbideXCrous, Lazy Boy, Tools of the Trade, Hidden Valley Connector, Flintstones, Spawn of Boulderdash, Autobahn.

I spent the morning today tearing apart the Heckler. I then used the kitchen scale, don't tell Courtney, to weigh everything on it as well as the corresponding part on the Hucker. I then rebuilt the Hucker using what every was lighter between the two. I don't imagine the scale to be that accurate, so I only used it to factor which was heavier. Between the handle bar, rear shifter, rear derailer, brakes, stem, cassette, tires and tubes I figure I've dropped around 4 lbs from the HT. Afterwards I took it for a quick spin on my usual route. Boy does this bike feel steep in the head tube compared to the Enduro! Even with the fork at 160mm its definitely my XC-AM bike. I pedaled from home and found the round trip to take about an hour and 45 minutes.

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