Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Caught up!!

Ride 62


Ambidexcross, Lazy Boy, Tools of the Trade,Buttafuoco, Hidden Valley Connector, Flintstones, Spawn of Boulderdash, Autobahn.

So after that Whistler trip I went to work on Wednesday and Thursday. I was felling funny Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning the Flu and set in. After 5 days of feeling like absolute garbage I finally ventured out today. The plan was to ride the HT (Enduro is in getting a couple warranty bugs worked out) from the house and play the climb by ear. There are numerous points along the climb where one can duck out and head back down. Once I hit the single track I was starting to feel good and the next thing I knew I was at the cell tower. Now that doesn't mean my sinuses weren't clearing themselves the entire ride up. The vultures were out in full force today and the trails were running well.  There was a motorbike on some of the trails again, at least it's being gentle and not roosting all over the place. I shot some video today. Nothing fancy jsut showing the weather, how grown in the trails are and the vulture cruising for lunch.

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